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Jul 11
ETF "HAPI" Inspires Top Innovator Ranking for Harbor's Kristof Gleich
Happy employees, happy returns! Harbor Capital Advisors, Inc.’s Kristof Gleich is making waves with the Harbor Human Capital Factor US...
Apr 23
"HAPI" ETF Beating S+P 500, Reports
Lucy Brewster, reports that Harbor Capital Advisors, Inc. US Large Cap ETF (ticker: HAPI), based on Irrational Capital 's Human...
Apr 4
Scott Colson, Irrational Capital CIO, Unpacks the Human Capital Factor on Compounders Podcast
Scott B Colson, CFA, CAIA, CIO of Irrational Capital chatted with Ben Claremon of Compounders podcast about the Human Capital Factor, a...
Mar 19
Happy employees lead to higher stock prices, says Irrational Capital founder
David van Adelsberg, founder of Irrational Capital, sat down with InvestmentNews anchor Gregg Greenberg to explain how fulfilled...
Human Capital Factor® in the News
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